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Our affiliate programme - Join now

Join the Rugby Affiliate Programme and Earn Money

Get ready to make money while promoting your favorite sport!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Affiliate Programme, designed to provide a win-win opportunity for both you and us.

By promoting our upcoming rugby tournaments, you’ll earn a commission on every ticket sale and sponsorship deal made through your unique affiliate link. It’s a simple and easy way to earn money while sharing your passion for rugby with others.

Here’s how it works: Once you join our affiliate program, you’ll receive a unique affiliate link. You can then promote our events through your website, social media, or email list. Every time someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys a ticket or secures a sponsorship deal, you’ll earn a commission.

We understand the importance of having a strong support system, which is why we’re always here to help you succeed. Whether you have questions or need promotional materials, we’re here to assist you. We also provide real-time reporting, so you can track your progress and earnings with ease.

Joining our affiliate program is completely free, and there’s no obligation to stay. You can join now and start promoting rugby and earning money right away.

We’re excited to partner with you and help grow the rugby community. If you’re interested in joining our affiliate program or have any questions, please just contact us via the form on our website.

So what are you waiting for? Join the Affiliate Program today and start earning money while promoting the sport you love!

Find our Affiliate Programme website here.

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